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- MCGILL MCYRR 8 X Cam Follower and Track Roller - Yoke Type
- 12.70 KGS
- 2400

- MCGILL CFH 5/8 SB Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- Uncoated
- 5.7500 in

- MCGILL MCFR 90 Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 1.7500 in
- 14 º

- MCGILL CYR 1 3/4 BULK Cam Follower and Track Roller - Yoke Type
- 24.5 (250)
- 12 mm

- MCGILL CFE 3 S Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 10 mm
- Wear Plate

- MCGILL CFE 2 1/4 SB Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 2.74 KGS
- Standard

- MCGILL CYRD 5 Cam Follower and Track Roller - Yoke Type
- Alloy Steel - heat t
- 1000 lb